• 08 May 2024

Vocation Sunday this month

Over the next three Sundays in the diocese, we’re inviting you to spend some time thinking about your God–given vocation. 

Most of us will work out our vocation in our homes, families and places of work. Others may sense a call to full–time ministry in the Church. All are ways in which we uniquely contribute to the world for the glory of God and the sake of his kingdom. All are invaluable to God and his Church.

In Down & Dromore there are many capacities in which you can serve at parish or diocesan level. Visit the Training section of our website HERE.

To help you prayerfully consider vocation, we’ve recorded a performance of a song by Eoghan Heaslip – “What you’ve called me to” – along with some short reflections on calling from some of our ordinands. With thanks to Eoghan Heaslip for permitting us to use the song, to Sarah and Daniel McDonald for performing, and Dave Bradshaw for filming and recording.