Dromore Cathedral
Dromore Cathedral: The Cathedral Church of Christ the Redeemer, Dromore

Dromore Cathedral, as well as being an active parish church with a wide demographic, is one of the sister Cathedral churches in the United Diocese of Down and Dromore.
There is evidence of the Lagan–side site being actively used for the purpose of Christian worship since 510AD when St Colman (a disciple of Patrick) founded a place of prayer here. The church was built, destroyed and rebuilt in the 16th and 17th centuries and was the seat of renowned bishops Thomas Percy and Jeremy Taylor in their time.
Just under 600 families make up the Parish of Dromore and the pattern of worship in the Cathedral reflects a wide range of tastes. The Cathedral seeks to serve the community of Dromore by bringing Christ’s compassion, love and hope of salvation to people of all ages. Our mission is to grow God’s Kingdom by being a centre of worship, healing and outreach to everyone in our community. Dromore Cathedral stands ready to teach, rebuke, challenge, care and love each person no matter where they find themselves on their journey.
The Cathedral serves mainly as a Parish church for the developing community with four services each Sunday, but it also features in the life of the diocese.
Find out more about the cathedral and its history on the Dromore Cathedral website.
Dean and Chapter
Dean: The Very Revd Geoff Wilson
Archdeacon: The Ven Mark Harvey
Chancellor: The Revd Canon Robert Howard
Precentor: The Revd Canon Terence Cadden
Treasurer: The Revd Canon Myrtle Morrison
Prebendary of Dromara: The Revd Canon Scott McDonald
Rector: The Very Revd Geoff Wilson
Curate: The Revd Geoff Hamilton
Youth & Children’s Worker: Mrs Christine Shanks
Organist: Dr Matthew Milford
Worship Leader: Mrs Karen Bowden