The Church of Ireland is committed to ensuring all children and vulnerable adults are protected from harm. We strive towards the highest standards in Safeguarding with children and vulnerable adults and our commitment is outlined in the dedicated Church of Ireland Safeguarding website:

Safeguarding Children
The Church of Ireland believes that children should never experience abuse of any kind. Everyone has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and to keep them safe. The Church of Ireland is committed to implementing procedures and practices which safeguard all children.
The Diocese of Down and Dromore adheres to Safeguarding Trust: the Church of Ireland Code of Good Practice for Ministry with Children. It is designed to enable all parties within the Church of Ireland to fulfil their proper responsibilities within this ministry.

Safeguarding Adults
It is the policy of the Church of Ireland to safeguard all vulnerable adults sharing in its ministry and to protect them from all forms of harm and abuse.
The Diocese of Down and Dromore adheres to the Church of Ireland Adult Safeguarding Code of Good Practice. It applies to all bishops, clergy, staff and volunteers but especially those who have regular contact with adults who may be more at risk of harm or abuse because of their personal or life circumstances.
Safeguarding Officer (NI)
The Safeguarding Officer for Northern Ireland can provide advice and support in all matters of child and adult safeguarding. Any issues or concerns can be reported directly to:
Mrs Gillian Taylor
Floor 2, 18–22 Hill Street
Tel: (028) 9082 8860
Safeguarding Training and Audits in Down & Dromore
Within the diocese, Andrew Brannigan is the Safeguarding lead with responsibility for training and audits. Email: