Diocesan Rejuvenation Fund

The Diocesan Rejuvenation Fund exists to help the diocese revitalise and reenergise parish ministry as needs arise.

Building for future generations

What is church rejuvenation?

Rejuvenation involves a church renewing its focus on ministries and evangelistic outreach and:

  • Entering a new season of ministry fruitfulness and;

  • Being an active witness in its local community for generations to come.

How is the Fund supported?
  • Regular or one–off donations from individuals or organisations that would like to partner in this important revitalisation work.

  • Assignment of a proportion of the annual allocations the diocese receives from parishes.

How will funding be allocated?

The diocese will partner with parishes committed to rejuvenation of their ministries and outreach by:

  • Making grants that match funds that the parish has raised to reenergise its ministries and outreach.

  • Grants will be for a fixed term (not exceeding 2 years) and made on 30 November each year. 


CLICK HERE TO DONATE via CAF to the Diocesan Rejuvenation Fund

Read more about how you can help to revitalise and reenergise parish ministry in the Diocese of Down and Dromore. 


Giving through a standing order and Gift Aid

Please download one of the standing order forms below. You will find a Gift Aid declaration on the reverse.

Download a form for the Diocesan Rejuvenation Fund here.