The Jesus Sessions
The Jesus Sessions is a teaching resource for teens based on the life and teaching of Jesus.

The material is a joint venture between the dioceses of Down and Dromore and Connor, with funding from CIYD.
The Jesus Sessions is an 8–part introduction to the life and ministry of Jesus. It has been developed for use with secondary school young people and suits a variety of settings, from youth church to youth groups and small groups. The resource is flexible and can be adapted to suit your needs.
Each session follows a similar format, with suggested games and activities that connect to the theme, a talk (there is a core point version and a full script version) discussion questions and potential ways to respond. Some sessions have the option to use additional resources.
The Jesus Sessions was developed by Ava Jordan–Curasi (Youth and Children’s Ministry Co–ordinator, Seapatrick/Banbridge Parish), Christina Baillie (Diocesan Youth Officer in Connor) and Tim Burns (Diocesan Youth Officer in Down and Dromore).
Download the full booklet as a pdf HERE.
Find out more from our Diocesan Youth Officer, Josh Thornbury: