St. Patrick's Day Celebrations
Our annual St Patrick’s Day celebrations gather visitors of all denominations from Ireland and abroad. The theme for 2025 is Godly Leadership and you are warmly invited to join Bishop David for worship and a complimentary ‘Picnic in the Pews’ on Monday 17 March.

We look forward to welcoming His Honour David Turner KC as our preacher at the Festival Service in Down Cathedral and the Revd Canon Maurice Elliott as the preacher at Saul.
The calling, training, and releasing of new leaders is a vital strand in Bishop David’s vision for the diocese and both our speakers are leaders of note.
Originally from Derry/Londonderry, David Turner is a recently retired Circuit Judge who sat in Essex and London. An Anglican all his adult life, David is, among other things, Chancellor of the Diocese of Chester, Deputy President of the Clergy Discipline Commission and a Reader and regular preacher at All Souls' Church, Langham Place.
Maurice Elliott is Director of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, prior to which he spent fifteen years in parochial ministry including as rector of Shankill Parish Lurgan. In terms of training and ministerial formation, his passion is for mission and church growth, leadership and team ministry, biblical preaching, and personal spiritual development.
9.15am: Holy Communion at Saul
10.15am: Prayer Pilgrimage from Saul to Downpatrick
11.45am: Festival Service in Down Cathedral
Wreath laying ceremony at St Patrick’s Grave
1.00pm: Complimentary ‘Picnic in the Pews’
Transport to Saul
Please park along the Mall leading to the Cathedral in Downpatrick and board one of the private buses.
Buses to the communion service depart between 8.15 and 8.45am. The last bus for the 35-minute pilgrimage leaves at 9.45am. The last bus from Saul to the Cathedral leaves at 10.40 am.
We look forward to seeing you!