A long life and lots of fish and chips!
Mrs Lily Spence, of Spence's Fish and Chips on the Beersbridge Road, was 107 years young on New Years Eve, 31 December. She is the second oldest person in N.Ireland, and is a much-loved member of Willowfield Parish. Her life has spanned three centuries, and her mind is as alert as ever. Lily Spence started serving the people of East Belfast with their fish suppers in 1921, when you could get a pennyworth of chips, and a fish supper cost 3d! Spence's Fish and Chip shop is now the oldest in Belfast.
Until very recently, Mrs Spence was a regular worshipper in Willowfield Church. She always had a keen practical faith, and a particular interest in writing to missionaries who were working abroad. She is also an indoor member of the Mothers' Union, and presumably the oldest indoor member in the whole Church of Ireland.
The bishop paid a visit to Mrs Spence in her home recently, where she is being cared for by her family, to celebrate the occasion. He delivered a card and brought the congratulations of the diocese. This year, Mrs Spence will receive yet another birthday card from the Queen- now an annual event!
One of the prayers often said by Christians in other parts of the world is 'God grant you many years'. In Lily Spence's case, this prayer has been abundantly answered, and we are proud that she is a member of our diocese.