A welcome from the Bishop
A hundred thousand welcomes to the new Down and Dromore Diocesan website. This will provide a ‘virtual window’ into the life of the Church of Ireland in this area. Down and Dromore is located in the north-east of Ireland (one, in fact, of only two dioceses to be located fully in Northern Ireland), and covers part of the city of Belfast, the whole of County Down, and a small part of Co Armagh.
The new website will, I trust, give a real sense of the things which are important to us as a diocese: living the life of Jesus Christ in our time, passing on the faith to generations yet to come, and seeing ourselves as part of the worldwide family of all who believe and trust in the same Lord and Saviour.
Enjoy exploring; add your voice in the interactive parts, and let us know what you think.
And may I wish all of you, from myself and my family, the happiest and most holy of Christmases, and may the presence of Christ go before you into the New Year.
+Harold Down and Dromore