• 01 February 2006

Albany Diocese soon to elect a new bishop

Our companionship Diocese of Albany in New York State is to elect a new bishop on 25 March 2006 (the Feast of the Annunciation). The process which leads to this election was begun at the Convention last June, when Bishop Dan called for a coadjutor bishop to be elected. It is important to note that the election does not mean that Bishop Dan Herzog is retiring – yet! The new bishop will work alongside the present two bishops for a period of time, which can constitutionally last for up to three years! But he does have the right of succession as Bishop of Albany.

With our friendships across the Atlantic Ocean, many people from Down and Dromore will recognize some of the candidates. The list is as follows: Shaw Mudge, Robert Witt, Tory Baucum, William Hinrichs, Marslhall Vang, Scott Harding, Michael Tessman, Bill Love, Stephen Holmgren, Christopher Brown and Walcott Hunter.

Full details of the election process and candidates can be found on the special election website (click here).

Please hold the Diocese of Albany in your prayers at this time, and pray that God will give them a true father-in-God to lead this much-loved diocese into the next period of its life. Pray also for the bishop suffragan, David Bena in his ministry.