• 06 February 2006

Welcome to our new Website

A very warm welcome to the website of the Diocese of Down and Dromore. I am so glad that you have come to see something of the work and ministry of our diocese, and hope you will enjoy the material on the site, and its interactive potential.

Down and Dromore is one of twelve diocese in the Church of Ireland, which is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The diocese contains about a third of the City of Belfast in Northern Ireland, the whole of Co Down and part of Co Armagh. We have about 90,000 Church of Ireland people in this area.

We are particularly proud to be the diocese in which St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, founded his first church and found his final resting place. The spirit of Patrick, with his mission vision, and warm love of Jesus Christ, is still our DNA. It was also from this diocese that many of the saints of the sixth century travelled to a dark Europe with the faith of the Gospel.

As you explore the riches on the site, our prayer is that you will above everything else, glimpse something of the faith which is at the centre of our church life. Perhaps you too would also hold us in your prayers, wherever you may be.

+ Harold, Down and Dromore