• 19 April 2006

God save our gracious Queen!

The Diocese of Down and Dromore joins with many others all over the world in wishing the Queen a very happy eightieth birthday. The Queen has, of course, been in the diocese on many occasions, not least on her many visits to Hillsborough Castle. She has served her people with wonderful dignity over more than half a century, and it is particularly moving that she sees her monarchy as essentially a life calling.

Another association with the Diocese of Down and Dromore is the fact (pointed out in a recent edition of

Radio Times

) that the only Irish painter to have personal sittings with the Queen was Lydia de Burgh, from Seaforde parish. Lydia is still painting, and indeed painted a portrait of Bishop George Quin which hangs in the See House. A picture of her 1955 portrait can be seen with this article.

It has been noted by some, particularly at a time like this, that you don't often hear prayers specifically for the Queen in church these days. However, the

Book of Common Prayer

still contains these beautiful words which might well be prayed over these days of celebration of the 80th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II:

'...with thy favour behold our most gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth; and so replenish her with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that she may alway incline to thy will, and walk in thy way...'


So we join in saying; 'God save our gracious Queen'!