• 25 August 2006

Back to Sunday School

Most parents are, at this point in the summer, in the midst of getting their offspring ready for a new school year. The holidays for most, are behind us, and we are trying to remember what it was like to be in the daily school routine. Soon, the traffic will be back to its worst, and a new academic year will have begun. Even now, the teachers are back to school, getting ready to receive the children.

All of it is, of course, worthwhile, because we value education. It really does matter to us that our children are prepared for life, and that they have learnt the basic skills which will equip them for the future.

The same is true spiritually. Parents who have the interests of their children at heart will also have a concern that they embrace spiritual and moral values, and that they have some faith understanding. From a Christian perspective this means learning the stories and teaching of the Christian faith, and applying that faith in Christ to our lives. That task can and will be done partly at home and partly in school, but the Church has also an important role in it.

So, Sunday Schools (often called by more imaginative names these days) will be starting up again in most churches in September. In many parishes these take place during the morning service; in others earlier on a Sunday morning. Why not contact your local parish church (See the Parish pages on this website for your area) and find out the details. Now!  In the end of the day (and for eternity) the greatest gift you can give your child is faith!

Harold Miller

Bishop of Down and Dromore