• 21 September 2006

2006 Global Leadership Summit

The Belfast venue for the 2006 Global Leadership Summit, taking place on 6th and 7th October, is Carnmoney Presbyterian Church.  Churches are being encouraged to send teams along to what will be a high inspiration-factor and vision-casting event.

Summit Sessions and Speakers

  • Life Cycle of a Leader & The Power of Inspiration - Bill Hybels

  • Enemies of a Growing Church - James Meeks

  • Focused on Leadership - Andy Stanley

  • Tribal Warfare - Peg Neuhauser

  • When Business Thinking Fails the Church - Jim Collins

  • Interview - Bill Hybels  & Bono

  • Silos, Politics and Turf Wars - Patrick Lencioni

  • Dead Leader Running - Wayne Cordeiro

Stephen Cave, General Secretary of EANI attended the full event in Chicago in August and said that it was probably the best thing he had ever attended, certainly from a leadership perspective.  He also said that the Global Leadership Summits across the UK this autumn will provide an opportunity to benefit from the best of the teaching from August's events.

To enable churches to be able to send teams along to the Summit events Willow Creek are offering discount to EANI member churches, member organisations and individual members.  (Individual EANI members £49, teams of 5+ £45 each). 

Contact EANI for more information on the Belfast event: tel 9029 2266 or email nireland@eauk.org