• 02 November 2006

Healing deep hurts in Rwanda & N Ireland

On Monday evening, 6th November at 8.00pm, Bishop Harold will be speaking at a healing service in St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, organised by Brother David Jardine of Divine Healing Ministries. 

The theme for the service is on healing deep hurts and Bishop Harold will be speaking of his personal experience of being in Rwanda in July as part of a team from Northern Ireland.  Prior to the service  Bishop Harold  and Brother David will be interviewed on local radio - U105 Mornings programme with Frank Mitchell (9.00am to 12.00noon) and later on the BBC Radio Ulster Talk Back programme (12.03 to 1.30pm).

Here is the press release which Brother David sent out earlier this week:

Healing deep hurts in Rwanda and Northern Ireland

Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore, will be speaking in St. Anne's Cathedral on Monday, November 6 at 8 pm about a visit to Rwanda in July.  The team of ten from Northern Ireland had much to contribute as they shared their own experience of trauma and suffering, and also listened to the deeply moving stories of local people.  The most emotional and indescribably sacred moments were at the Memorial Sites at churches where thousands had been gathered in for sanctuary but were slaughtered with machetes, clubs, guns and hand grenades by the army and supporters who were their neighbours.  At each building the traumatic events were relayed by a young woman detailing the massacres as they had occurred at the site, but also giving her own story of personal survival.  Bishop Miller has a remarkable story to tell of healing, prayer, forgiveness, repentance and reconciliation in the aftermath of great suffering in Rwanda.

What he says will be helpful to those who need healing for life's hurts in Northern Ireland.

Personal prayer for healing will be available to all at this service on November 6.  Worship will be led by St. Agnes' Choir, Andersonstown.  You will be very welcome to come and join us.

Further information from Brother David Jardine: 9031 1532 (Work)