• 17 November 2006

The Nativity Story

A film based on the story of the birth of Jesus is due for release and will be showing in Belfast from the beginning of December.  The Nativity Story which was filmed in Matera, Italy (the same location as Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ) retells the Biblical story from when Mary is told she will give birth to Jesus to the visit of the three wise men to the new-born baby.  The film, 100 minutes long,  attempts to get inside the characters of Mary and Joseph and asks what it must have been like, how did they cope and how did it change them as human beings.  It has received a PG certificate. 

Movie House Cinemas at Yorkgate and Dublin Road, Belfast will be screening the film from Friday 1st December and can offer a small discount to church groups who want to and see the film together.  Arrange bookings with Debbie Dalzell on (028)9034 5717or email mailto:debboe@moviehouse.co.uk