• 29 November 2006

Wear the Cross with pride this Advent

Congratulations to Nadia Eweida, the BA employee who had the courage of her convictions about wearing the cross!  Her story has been a wake up call to all Christian, and to people; of other faiths too, about the dangerous presuppositions of secularism.  We were in danger of creating a society in which people's freedoms were protected - so long as they didn't include the freedom to express the Christian faith.

It wasn't only Nadia, of course.  It was also the Christian Unions in several Universities, which were not allowed to use Students' Union premises and facilities.  And what is the argument: it is that they have to have Christians in positions of responsibility in the Christian Union.  Have they not thought about the rights denied to people with no ability to play rugby when they aren't allowed to captain the team!?

The interesting factor about these past weeks has been the way in which the church has been wakened from its slumber.  A good advent theme: Wake, o sleeper!  Nadia stood firm, and in one week, the cross became much more than a fashion accessory: it was restored again as the central, unacceptable symbol of the Christian faith.  A reminder of persecution, human rights crucified, and the Person of Jesus Christ, whom Christians will follow no matter what the cost.

So perhaps you will join me in humbly, but firmly, wearing the Cross this Advent, with a sense that this is the most valuable symbol on earth for those who follow Christ.

+ Harold