• 01 December 2006

Bishop Harold releases Kinglsey

Bishop Harold has had the unusual task of releasing one of his clergy from the darkness of solitary confinement!  Kingsley Sutton, rector of St Patrick's and St Mary's in Newry had been locked inside a 20ft lorry container on Monday 27th November by the Lord Mayor of Newry, Councillor Michael Carr.  At noon on Wednesday 29th November Bishop Harold was on hand to open the door of the container and release Kinglsey back into civilisation.  Bishop John McAreavey, together with family members, parishioners and community leaders gathered to greet Kingsley as he emerged from the darkness of the container into the winter light.

The rector, surviving on sandwiches and flasks of hot soup, lived in the darkness for three days to show solidarity with those who are finding life tough at this time of year.  During his incarceration there was a roadside collection in support of the work of the Samaritans who help people in times of darkness. 

Kingsley's ordeal in the darkness of the container was the ‘lead in' to a weekend of events being run by St Patrick's and St Mary's.  Their theme is Light out of the darkness which conveys the hope that can be put back in life through Jesus - the Light of the world. 

Church Army's Roger Murphy is the special speaker at the weekend events which include a men's breakfast, a Christmas Fayre, a live youth event and special Advent and healing services.