• 29 January 2007

Bishop Ken to speak in St Anne's

Bishop Ken Clarke, one of the most popular Church of Ireland bishops, will speak in St. Anne's Cathedral at the Monday night healing service on January 29 (8pm). 

This service has been running every Monday evening service February, 1993 and during that time great healing has taken place.  Much of that healing has happened gradually over a period of time, but there has also been dramatic healing of serious conditions like blindness, epilepsy, cancer, depression and a bad speech impediment. 

Personal prayer for healing and also anointing with oil will be available from Brother David Jardine and the team of Divine Healing Ministries.

Worship will be led by the choir of Lisburn Cathedral.

Further information from Brother David Jardine

                                      9066 6200 (Home)

                                       9031 1532 (Work)