• 31 January 2007

Bishops welcome Sinn Fein decision on policing

The following statement was issued today in response to the decision by the Ard Fheis of Sinn Fein on Sunday 28th January 2007 to support policing:

"Following a series of meetings with political parties in Northern Ireland, it is with anticipation of a renewed society that we welcome the vote by Sinn Fein members last Sunday to support policing in Northern Ireland.

"We recognise that deeds will speak louder than words in coming days as republicans seek to build on this commitment. We understand the very real sensitivities in various sectors of the community, but we also acknowledge that this is a historic moment warmly to be welcomed.

"We urge all parties in Northern Ireland to work towards the next challenges - democratic elections, the creation of an assembly and the acceptance of responsibilities in the offices of First Minister and Deputy First Minister."

Issued on behalf of:

The Right Reverend Alan Harper, Archbishop-Elect of Armagh, Bishop of Connor

The Right Reverend Ken Clarke, Bishop of Kilmore

The Right Reverend Ken Good, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe

The Right Reverend Richard Henderson, Bishop of Tuam

The Right Reverend Michael Jackson, Bishop of Clogher

The Right Reverend Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore