• 03 January 2007

Farewell and Welcome

While the church at large is saying farewell to Archbishop Robin Eames, it is a great joy for us here in Down and Dromore to welcome him back, in his retirement, to the diocese where he worked in his early years of ministry. Robin Eames served in Down and Dromore in all three orders of deacon, priest and bishop, beginning his ministry in the parishes of Bangor, Gilnahirk and Dundela.

His has been the most amazing 20 years of primacy in the Church of Ireland. He has seen the church through very difficult and turbulent times, always with a sense that it was a privilege to serve God in this way. Even at the most traumatic and divided moments, I never perceived in him, nor Christine, even a hint of bitterness. He kept a steady hand on the tiller, and we are reaping the benefit of that stable and faithful ministry now.

But Robin Eames was appreciated far more widely than within the confines of the Church of Ireland. His was a sure voice which the vast majority of people in this province were glad to hear on the media, with its calming and reassuring influence. And it was of course to Robin that the Anglican Communion turned in some of its most difficult and intractable of situations.

As Bishop of Down and Dromore, I want to reassure Robin and Christine of a welcome at all times in their home diocese, where they are held in great love and esteem. And of our prayers for both of them that they may have a long and rewarding retirement. May the Lord be praised for their work and ministry.

A series of two programmes about Robin Eames called ‘The Eternal Optomist' will be broadcast on UTV on Tuesday 2 January at 10pm and on Thursday 4 January at 7.30pm, to mark his retirement as Archbishop of Armagh.  Both programmes will be shown again in an hour long programme on Sunday 7th January at 5.30pm.