• 04 January 2007

A few thoughts for the new year...

THE ‘BLACK HOLE' OF DEBT - a few thoughts for the New Year

Figures have been announced this week which make us aware of the increasing scale of debt in our society.  After all the celebrations of Christmas, the credit card bills and bank statements come in, and many people find themselves in a black hole of debt, which they can see no way out of.  Much of the depression and hopelessness of the early months of a new year are caused by the devastation of debt - which can lead to despair, family break-up and even suicide.

Isn't it time that we as a society looked more closely at the causes of debt?  After all, we have banks offering people loans on a regular basis in the post - and sometimes loans which are way beyond their means.  And increasingly we have shops offering their goods (not least in the period after Christmas) on the almost-literal ‘never-never!

All of this creates a culture of ‘I must have, it, and have it now' - a belief that the next ‘item' or possession will unlock a key to satisfaction and happiness, and  a sense that we are letting down our children if they do not have all their material ‘wants' met.

Generations past understood something which we need to recapture the idea of saving up and them spending what we actually have.  That way round, we have a sense of achievement and satisfaction.  The other way ('buy now, pay later') leads to anxiety and fear for the future.

Organisations such as Citizens Advice Bureau and Christians Against Poverty, who seek to help people to get out of situations of debt, are to be congratulated.  But the government and those in leadership (not least in business) need to create a new atmosphere where unrealistic debt is discouraged, if we are to help people find financial security and to emerge from the burden of debt placed upon them.  And the received wisdom that this cannot be done, simply because big businesses make money out of debt, will not be an acceptable response for Christians.

The Rt Revd Harold Miller

Bishop of Down & Dromore

January 2007