• 05 February 2007

CCB Magazine and Website Competition launched

The Central Communications Board has launched its annual Magazine and Website Competition. 

There are two categories in this year's competition:

  • Print Media -  which includes diocesan magazines, parish magazines/newsletters

  • Website -  which includes diocesan websites and parish websites.

For the first time there will be an additional ‘other' section within each category which is open to committees or groups associated with the Church.

The closing date for entries is Wednesday 28th February and winners will be announced at the General Synod in Kilkenny in May 2007.

To enter the magazine and newsletter category one recent copy of the publication should be sent by post to the Press Office, Church of Ireland House, 61-67 Donegall Street, Belfast BT1 2QH. 

Entry to the website section involves sending an email with the URL address to press@ireland.anglican.org

Further information from Church of Ireland Press Office 9023 2909.