• 14 February 2007

Information evening on future of ministry training

For many years the majority of our Church of Ireland clergy have undergone their ministry formation training in the Church of Ireland Theological College in Dublin.

The House of Bishops has signalled its intentions to make some far reaching changes to the way in which formation and training is provided.  The Bishops set up a project team to bring the plan together and manage the process.  This team has now put together a comprehensive plan for a completely new approach in terms of curriculum, developmet of learning, structure and facilities.  The House of Bishops has approved this plan.

This will not only impact on the training of clergy, but on the church as a whole as a wider range of training opportunities will be available for all those involved in ministry.  There will also be opportunities to study using distance learning.

The House of Bishops is inviting clergy and laity to share the story so far and their plans for the future.  To do this an information evening is planned on Thursday 19th April at 7.30pm in the Templeton Hotel, oustide Belfast.  The event is open to all members of the Church of Ireland but as places are limited it is necessary to register ahead. 

For further details of the event and online registration visit www.ministry.ie