• 05 February 2007

Primate is West Brom supporter

It's been revealed that the newly elected Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland is a keen support of West Bromwich Albion Football Club.  At a farewell lunch in Church of Ireland House on the eve of Bishop Alan's move to Armagh, he was presented with a range of gifts including a West Brom shirt which had Primate and 07 on the back.  The new Archbishop was clearly delighted to have his own personal customised football shirt!

The farewell lunch was hosted by Connor Diocesan Council and the Dean of Connor, the Very Rev John Bond, who spoke on behalf of the clergy of the diocese, said how much they had valued Bishop Alan's leadership and commitment and would miss above all his warm heartedness and sense of humour.  Tributes were also paid by Mr Ken Gibson, honorary lay secretary of Connor Council and the Diocesan Secretary, Mr Neill Wilson. 

The new Archbishop will be enthroned at a service on Friday 16th March in St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh. 

(Photographs by Karen Bushby, Connor DCO)