• 05 March 2007

7 books for Lent

This list of books for Lent has been compiled for us by the Good Book shop and copies can be obtained directly from them.  They are located on the ground floor of Church of Ireland House in Donegal Street.   Their website address is : http://www.goodbookshop.co.uk/



Daily Prayer for Lent and Easter Year C ‘Confident in Christ We Pray' by Brian Mayne.  £4.99

The last in the popular series by Canon Brian Mayne has recently been published by Columba Press.




‘Turning Points' CAFOD/Christian Aid Lent Book by Barbara Glasson, Pamela Hussey and others  £4.95

Six leading writers offer their own personal response to the readings for each day of Lent, using stories and insights to help us draw closer to God through reflection on the words of scripture, through prayer and through action for justice.





‘The Eight Words of Jesus' by Michael Sadgrove.  £7.99

Published by SPCK this wonderfully written book contains meditations by Michael Sadgrove and reveals his particular love for John's Gospel and the passion story.





‘Power and Passion' by Samuel Wells.  £8.99

Six characters in Search of Resurrection has a foreword by Dr Rowan William, Archbishop of Canterbury who has selected it as his Lent book for 2007.  The author skillfully guides the reader through the stories surrounding Jesus' cross and resurrection. It is published by Zondervan.




Risking Everything by Robin Greenwood. £7.99

A useful resource for churches planning a series of services or meetings during Lent and Easter.  Each section is also designed to be of value to individuals who can use it for reflection.  Published by SPCK.



The Mind of Christ by David Scott. £10.99

David Scott draws on his lifetime of ministry in the Anglican church recording his personal thoughts within a theological context.  Considered to be a gem of a book in its exploration of the mind of Christ.  Published by Continuum



The Road to Emmaus by Helen Julian, CSF.  £7.99

Sister Helen Julian takes authors Julian of Norwich; John Donne; Aeired of Rievalux; The Ven Bede; Thomas Traherne and John and Charles Wesley as companions on the Road to Emmaus.  She uses the wisdom, experiences and spirituality of these people to highlight ways to enhance our faith.  Published by BRF.