• 16 March 2007

Bishop Harold's Saint Patrick's Day Message

The Saint Patrick's Day Pilgrimage from Saul to Downpatrick each March is, for me, personally always a highlight of the year.  It seems to ‘touch a chord' with more and more people, and not least young people.  They come from all arts and parts, for a whole range of reasons and there is a real sense of unity and focus as the crowds gather on the Hill of Down - thought to be Patrick's last resting place. 

But the fascinating thing is that all of this happens at a ‘protestant' Cathedral - in a community where St Patrick's Day has been considered largely a ‘catholic' celebration.

This year, as we look forward hopefully to the setting up of an Executive and the full functioning of the Assembly, I want to make a plea - let's all embrace our Christian heritage; let's all celebrate Patrick with joy and enthusiasm; and let's all work to build up a peaceful and creative new community in Northern Ireland, with a place for everyone.

+ Harold