• 08 March 2007

Community act of worship in Holywood

On the first Sunday evening in Lent, representatives from the four main churches in Holywood, together with those from the Belmont and Glencraig areas, joined in a Taizé Service in St Colmcille's parish church.  With the use of tea-lights surrounding the cross and circular altar, the interior of the building helped focus the congregation of over 130 to concentrate on the intimate worship of reflection, meditation and prayer.

Father Aidan Kerr welcomed everyone on behalf of the Sanctus Boscus Reconciliation Group, and prayers and Bible readings were by Lorna Thompson, Tary McAfee, Brenda Blaney and David Hewitt.  The

St Colmcille's Folk Group led the worship in chants in both Latin and English, some of which written by members of the Taizé Community in France. 

Following the service, the congregation continued their fellowship over supper, again promoting the aim of the Sanctus Boscus Reconciliation Group to promote contact between local churches and the community through dialogue.

Due to the generosity of the congregation, the retiring collection amounted to £372.90 for Christian Blind Mission (CBM) towards their work in the cure and prevention of blindness overseas.

(The above article and photograph were contributed by Betty McLaughlin, who is a member of the Sanctus Boscus group and of Holywood parish.)