• 20 April 2007

Australian High Commissioner to the UK meets with Bishop Harold

His Excellency, The Honourable Richard Alston, Australian High Commissioner to the UK recently visited Northern Ireland.  During his busy schedule he came into Church of Ireland House in Belfast to meet with Bishop Harold.  The High Commissioner has a keen interest in our political situation and in the outlook for devolution and the prospect for further reconciliation.  He had requested the meeting with Bishop Harold as he wished to discuss the current political climate with a religious leader.  

Following the meeting Bishop Harold said: ‘It was a great pleasure to meet the Australian High Commissioner and to chat about shared concerns.  There is, of course, a worldwide interest in the progress and development of Northern Ireland at this time, and that is something which churches, politicians and community workers need to be encouraging as we take our small but increasingly vital role in the wider world in a peaceful future.'

The High Commissioner was accompanied on his Church House visit by his Counsellor, Mr Greg Ralph.  The Revd Canon Charlie Leeke, who was Diocesan Reconciliation Officer until his retirement, also attended the meeting.

Born in Perth, Western Australia the Australian High Commissioner to the UK has been in post since February 2005.  He was a practising barrister before entering the Australian Parliament.  During his parliamentary career he was for several years Federal Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts.  He also served on the Liberal/National coalition front bench for 15 years and was Deputy Leader in the Senate for over 10 years. 

He is currently Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Information Technology at Bond University in Queensland, as well as a member of the Bell Shakespeare and the Melba Foundations.