• 25 April 2007

Bishop Harold celebrates with a Quiet Day

The Bishop of Down & Dromore, the Right Revd Harold Miller celebrated the 10th anniversary of his consecration as bishop on St Mark's Day, Wednesday 25th April 2007.  He was consecrated Bishop of Down & Dromore on Friday 25th April 1997 at a service in St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh.  He was then installed in Dromore Cathedral on 29th April, Down Cathedral on 1st May and Belfast Cathedral on 11th May of that same year.

To mark the important occasion Bishop Harold felt he wanted to spend his anniversary with the clergy in the diocese and decided to do this by holding an Eastertide Clergy Quiet Day.  The chosen venue was St Ignatius, Carryduff and all clergy - stipendiary, non-stipendiary and retired, along with Church Army Officers - were invited to attend.

Bishop Harold chose to personally conduct the Quiet Day taking as his theme ‘Names we remember (2 Timothy).  Bishop's planning of the content reflected on the structure of the Holy Communion service and his addresses were based on ‘Those who have formed us in the ministry'; Those who have frustrated us in the ministry' and ‘Those who have supported us in the ministry'.  The programme was split over three different sessions: Morning Prayer and First Address, Renewal of Ordination Promises and Second Address, and Eucharist and Third Address.

Just before the Quiet Day began the Archdeacon of Down, the Ven Philip Patterson, and the Archdeacon of Dromore, the Ven John Scott, took the opportunity, on behalf of the diocese, to present Bishop Harold with a small gift as a token of the love and affection in which he is held.  Back at the See House, Liz, was not forgotten - she received a floral arrangement sent with the love and best wishes of the diocese.

We thank God for Bishop Harold's ministry and leadership over the past 10 years and we wish him and Liz every possible blessing in the years ahead.