• 26 April 2007

Staff enjoy visit to Hillsborough Castle

It's not everyone who can say they have enjoyed afternoon tea in Government House in Hillsborough.  The staff in Church House, Belfast was given such an opportunity recently.  They were invited by the former Dean of Down, the Revd John Dinnen, who is rector of St Malachi's in Hillsborough.  The visit was organised by him to thank the staff for their help and support during his time as Dean of Down.  John and his wife, Jane, acted as hosts and were at the gates to greet the group on their arrival. 

After enjoying afternoon tea the party was given a guided tour of the main downstairs rooms by David Anderson, a member of the Hillsborough Castle staff.  As they went from room to room David provided interesting and entertaining information on the history of the Castle and there was plenty of ‘name dropping' and photographic evidence of famous people who had stayed or visited the Castle over the years.

Afterwards staff members were able to relax for the rest of the afternoon in the wonderful grounds and enjoy the spring sunshine.  Jane Dinnen was on hand as the group wandered through the gardens to point out many of the lovely plants and shrubs, including a magnificent rhododendron bush which is thought to be one of the largest in the world.


Photographs by William Taggart