• 03 May 2007

Bishop comments on UVF statement

'From midnight on Thursday 3 May 2007, the Ulster Volunteer Force and Red Hand Commando assumed a non-military, civilianised, role.' 

Following the release of their full statement, Bishop Harold Miller had the following comment to make:

'I welcome the many positive signs to be found in the statement today by the UVF and Red Hand Commando.

As with many such statements we could always look and hope for more, but what has been said is of great significance and I personally would want to give every encouragement to those who have been involved in paramilitarism in their journey towards peace.

A process like this takes some time.  It is almost like the piecing together of a jigsaw - gradually the picture takes shape and the remaining gaps are filled in.  This statement is part of the completion of the picture of peace which is emerging in Ulster, and as we progress forward in trust and respect, we can expect to see further developments emerge.

No doubt issues will arise as to whether or not the measures in the statement amount to ‘decommissioning'.  It would, in my view, be unwise to enter into long arguments over words at this point, and to allow the statutory bodies, and especially the IICD to judge the words and actions.

I have noted over recent years a real desire in many people who have been involved in paramilitarism to re-direct their energies towards positive community-building and restorative justice projects.  This statement affirms that, and I would encourage further developments in these areas.  Such developments of course, need to be continually monitored by and answerable to the local communities and to the community as a whole.  The churches, for their part, need to be increasingly involved in the development of peaceful community, in prayer and action.'

+ Harold
