• 15 May 2007

Down & Dromore Website wins, yet again!

The award for the best diocesan website has, for the 5th year, gone to Down & Dromore.   The Church of Ireland Central Communications Board runs an annual Magazine and Website Competition with the winners being announced at General Synod.

St Philip & St James, Holywood and Balllyholme Parish were both runners up in the parish website category. 

The Revd John McDowell of St Mark's, Dundela, who was attending the Synod, was on hand to collect the prizes on behalf of the diocese from Archbishop Alan Harper. 

Presenting the awards Archbishop Harper said: "In congratulating the winners, I am also delighted to acknowledge the hard work of all those who contribute, mostly in a voluntary capacity, to communicating the message of the Church."

The full list of Magazine and Website Results for 2007 can be found on the Synod website:  http://synod.ireland.anglican.org/2007