• 09 July 2007

Holywood parish scoops £1,000 prize

The parish of St Philip and St James, Holywood took the £1,000 first prize in the recent website competition run by the diocese.  Their parish website was deemed by the panel of judges to have the best overall design, colour, accessibility, text and graphic presentation, as well as excellent editorial content in relation to audience and outreach potential.  To view the winning site click here:

A total of eleven parishes entered the competition and St Columbanas, Ballyholme was the runner up, receiving a prize of £500.  To visit the Ballyholme website click here:

The parishes of Magherally and St Brendan's in Sydenham each won £25 as joint winners of the section for the most up to date parish page on the diocesan website.  (Each parish has a page on the diocesan website which they are encouraged to keep updated with news, photographs and events happening in the parish.)

It was a condition of entry that the prize money is used to improve communications in the parish.