• 15 August 2007

Bishop’s reflection on his recent visit to Albany

I have just had the pleasure and privilege of visiting our link Diocese of Albany for almost two weeks.  At the same time, fifteen of our young people from Down & Dromore were at the Spiritual Life Center, helping at Summer Camps.  They were an impressive bunch and worked very hard indeed!

The Spiritual Life Center continues to grow and develop and this time I was put up in the ‘King's Inn' - a new building for accommodation better than any hotel.

At the weekends, I had the pleasure of visiting two of the more ‘rural' parishes, in Granville and Au Sable Forks.  My experience in both was of tremendous warmth of welcome, small but engaged congregations where everyone is fully involved in the worship, and wonderful ‘lunches' afterwards!

On the last Saturday, I preached for the first time in the Cathedral in Albany at a Confirmation.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, but eight or nine of those confirmed were Burmese (they preferred their country to be known as Burma), from Buddhist backgrounds, and with real experience of the persecution of Christians in Burma.  It was a joy to see them embrace Christ as Saviour.

Then in Au Sable Forks, we were welcomed by about 10 Jamaican men with tambourines!  They work all summer in the apple orchards and then return to their families for the winter.  All of them come from Pentecostal and Baptist Churches, and have found a home (and a music ministry) among the local episcopalians.

While I was there, Bishop Bill Love was celebrating his 50th birthday at the Spiritual Life Center.  It was a great occasion.  Keep him and Albany Diocese in your prayers as they seek to be faithful and wise at the present time in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.

I also had the joy of renewing friendships with Dan and Carol Herzog, who, although now Roman Catholics, continue to have good relationships and fellowships with so many Episcopalians! - and with Bishop David Bena and Mary Ellen.  David is now overseeing some of the churches in ‘CANA', with oversight from Nigeria, and continues to be in good heart.

+ Harold