• 30 August 2007

Greening the Church

The first edition of ‘Greening the Church' is now available.  It is produced by the Church of Ireland's Ecological and Environmental Panel - part of the Church is Society Committee.

The magazine is designed to inform readers of what's going on environmentally within the Church of Ireland. 

In future editions the committee is hoping that it will be more representative of the whole church of Ireland but they will be dependent on co-operation from readers.  They ask for news and digital photographs, as well as comments and advice.  (Contact person the Revd David Humphries - see contact info below.)

There is a Eco-Workshop being held at the Emmaus Centre, Dublin on Saturday 6th October.  Last year's was a great success  - why not consider it for a church group outing!

To download a copy of the first edition of Greening the Church click here

Further information from the Revd David Humphries - wdhumphries@hotmail.com