• 30 August 2007

Reflecting on the Bishop's Bible Week

During the last week of August, for the first time in Down & Dromore, a Bishop's Bible Week was held at the newest church in the diocese - St Saviour's, Dollingstown.  The week of bible teaching was an opportunity to focus on the Word of God as church life jumps into gear again at the end of the summer.  The Revd Ed Vaughan, rector of Crinken Church, Bray, (an Australian who had a very successful church plant ministry in Sydney) led the week of bible teaching. 

The theme for the special week was ‘Looking on the heart' and Ed's teaching was centered on the book of 2 Samuel.  Speaking about the book of 2 Samuel, the bible week speaker commented: ‘It's about the abuse of sex, the abuse of power, the abuse of religion and the dysfunctional nature of families.  Murder, adultery, rape, hypocrisy and deceit - no it's not Wisteria Lane, the setting for Desperate Housewives - it's the book of Second Samuel!  And the amazing thing is that out of all this, God is glorified.'

The atmosphere at St Saviour's was informal and taking part in the worship was Alison Cadden and her band, with soloists Clara Costly, Nicola Cowan and Karen Bowden.  Andrew and Sharon Thompson, who are behind the Big Blue Sky Christian drama company, provided sketches, and the Cracked Pot Puppets from Holywood made a twice nightly appearance.  Bishop Harold invited people from local radio and television to be ‘guest' readers - Letitia Fitzpatrick (UTV), Yvette Shapiro (BBC) and Walter Love (BBC).  They all not only live, but also worship in parishes in the diocese. Canon Noel Battye, who presents the BBC Radio Ulster programme ‘Sounds Sacred' on Sunday afternoons, was invited to read on the final night.

In what was a very busy week, Bishop Harold was on hand each evening to personally welcome the hundreds of people who attended - including people from outside the diocese.  As the week drew to a close he said:  ‘It was wonderful to see so many people gathered to be inspired by the Word of God for the coming ‘season'.  My prayer is that all of us will continue to live our lives and build our churches on the sure foundation of the scriptures, and that we will be longing for deeper teaching in our Christian lives.'

One of the rectors in the diocese, who had attended with others from his parish, said:  ‘The Bishop's Bible Week has been an inspirational breath of fresh air.  The leaders from our parish have thoroughly enjoyed joining with so many, from around the diocese, to be fed on God's word.  It has been a tremendous encouragement - what a start to a new season's work!'

Recordings have been made each evening and will be available on a CD/DVD cost £7, plus P & P. copies can be ordered by emailing mary@diocoff-belfast.org