• 28 August 2007

Remembering Diana

Where were you when you heard the news that Princess Diana had died?  It was one of those moments, which probably only come 4 or 5 times in a lifetime, when we are so impacted by news that we remember the moment we heard it, as though it were yesterday.  President Kennedy's assassination, 9/11, Diana's death - all had a world-shattering dimension, drew people together and unleashed love and faith, even if they have seemed vague and transient.

It is right that we should reflect ten years on - on someone who died so young, with her life in front of her; of someone so beautiful and caring - and yet flawed.  And even on the fact that life has continued on over those years, and that no one is indispensable. 

Pray too, for her sons who have had to suffer not only grief, but grief in the public gaze - and pray for the Royal Family.

And where was I when I heard?  Having breakfast that Sunday morning before preaching and presiding at the Eucharist in Belfast Cathedral.  It was a very speedy change of sermon, a gallery of cameras who seemed to congregate at St Anne's that day, interviews on National BBC and a quick learning curve that a bishop has to be ready for any eventuality at any time.

And where was God in it?  It hasn't led to a massive embracing of the Christian faith, or return to church.  It may have raised more questions than answers.  But it has perhaps been one of the factors which have made this nation realize that it is more religious than it thinks.

+ Harold, Down & Dromore