• 25 September 2007

Down and Dromore Youth Workers gather for prayer breakfast

Youth workers from across the diocese gathered recently to meet and pray over breakfast.  The aim of the meeting was to enable workers to pray for each other, and their ministry, at the start of a new term.  It also provided an opportunity to introduce new youth workers who have joined in the last 12 months. 

Also present was Bishop Harold Miller, together with Sharon Hamill and Catherine Little from the Church of Ireland Youth Department. 

Andrew Brannigan, the DYO, commented: 'The rapid growth in youth-orientated paid posts shows how seriously many parishes are taking their commitment to youth and children's ministry. 

There are currently 23 people employed as full or part-time workers, or as workers with a responsibility for young people.  In addition to this there are also 8 other people working full-time on ‘year outs' with parishes, and we have 5 parishes considering the employment of a youth worker.

To have so many people employed across the diocese in a variety of parishes and in a variety of posts is incredibly exciting for the future of the church in Down and Dromore.  Churches should be congratulated for dedication to this area of ministry.'

Any parishes considering employing a youth worker in the near future should contact Andrew (brandy@reflectyouth.org)  or Sharon (sharon@ciyd.org) for information and advice.