• 18 September 2007

New rector instituted at Knock

The institution of the Revd John Auchmuty as rector of St Columba's, Knock took place on Monday 3rd September 2007.  The Rt Revd Edward Darling (formerly Bishop of Limerick) was the preacher at the service.  The church was packed for the institution service and a former President of the Methodist Church, the Revd Harold Good, was amongst the invited guests.

The Revd Auchmuty was incumbent at the grouped parishes of Killaney and Carryduff from 2001 until his recent appointment.  From 1996 to 2001 he was incumbent at Eglish (Holy Trinity) with Killylea in the Diocese of Armagh and was assistant curate from 1992 to 1996 at St Mark's, Dundela in the Diocese of Down & Dromore.  He was ordained deacon in 1992 and priested the following year.

John is married to Caroline and they have two sons.