• 22 October 2007

Be part of the youth team going to Northern Argentina

As well as the link we enjoy with Albany diocese Down & Dromore is also linked with the diocese of Northern Argentina.  Over the past few years teams of young people have travelled to Albany to work in summer camps.  Next year, in July 2008, there will be, for the first time, a youth team making the journey to Salta , which is a city in the very northern part of Argentina, near to Bolivia and Chile. 

The trip is being organised in conjunction with the South American Mission Society (SAMS).  The team will spend just over 2 weeks working with local Christians and visiting churches and projects in the Salta area. This will also afford opportunities to work with local children and young people.  In addition the team will be undertaking other practical work during their visit.  However it won't all be hard work as there will be a few days of sightseeing built into the trip, with a chance to explore places such as Buenos Aires.

Andrew Brannigan, the diocesan youth officer, is organising and planning the trip and there are vacancies for between 8 and 10 people.  Applicants must be 18 years old by the date of outward travel.  The team will leave on Friday 4th July, returning 3 weeks later on Friday 25th July.  The estimated cost is £1,400.  Assistance will be provided for fund-raising activities to help with the cost and bursaries will also be available.

Closing date for applications is Monday 3rd December 2007.  Further information from Andrew on (028)9024 0316 or email andrew@downanddromore.org


Flyer and application form available to download here