• 26 October 2007

Bishop congratulates former Methodist President

In a week where there hasn't been much in the way of good news in the media it was with particular delight that Bishop Harold heard that his good friend and colleague the Revd Harold Good, a former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, has been nominated for the World Methodist Peace Award.

This is what Bishop Harold had to say:

"What a joy it was to hear today that the Revd Harold Good, former president of the Methodist Church in Ireland, has won the World Methodist Peace Prize.  Harold thoroughly deserves such an award.  He has worked consistently and tirelessly for peace on this island throughout his ministry, with a particular commitment to ecumenism and human rights.  And he has always been both courageous and wise in equal measure."

Mr Good, who together with Father Alec Reid, witnessed the decommissioning of IRA weapons, is the third Irish winner in the 30 years since the award was launched.