• 23 October 2007

META team works with Refuge Egypt

A CMS Ireland META team made up of people from the parishes of Killinchy, Kilmood (Diocese of Down & Dromore) and Malahide (Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough), travelled to Cairo earlier this year to work with Refuge Egypt. The parishes all have links with CMS Ireland and the team was hosted by CMS Ireland mission partners, David and Gillian Maganda, who are working with the Diocese of Egypt in Cairo. David works as the Advocacy and Emergency Services Leader with Refuge Egypt, a ministry of the Diocese to displaced Sudanese, and Gillian also works there part-time in an admin role.

Refuge Egypt was founded in 1985 when many African refuges, mainly from Sudan, came to Cairo to flee from persecution, war or disaster in their homelands.  There are no refugee camps in Egypt and these displaced people are left to fend for themselves in what is often a hostile culture - leaving the churches to offer what limited help and support they can.

During their two week stay the group worked with Sudanese refuges assisting with activities ranging from teaching in the Primary School to painting a flat and helping in food and clothing distribution.  They also taught English to adults, helped in the cafeteria and in training staff in basic computer skills.

Before leaving for home the group took time out to climb Mount Sinai and to walk in the footsteps of Moses.  On their return the group reflected that they came away from Egypt with a deeper understanding of the work carried out by Refuge Egypt amongst refugees.

To find out more about Refuge Egypt visit their website: http://www.refuge-egypt.org