• 01 October 2007

New service of prayer for healing

A new monthly Service of Prayer for Healing began earlier this month in Down Cathedral.  The services have been organised by the Very Rev Henry Hull, Dean of the Cathedral, in conjunction with the Churches' Ministry of Healing, and everyone is welcome to attend.

Dean Hull said " Nowadays many people who are ill, along with those seeking medical help often explore "alternative therapies". Many of these alternatives have their roots in various branches of Eastern mysticism. The Christian Church has always has a tradition of offering prayer to those who are sick, and Down Cathedral is opening its door and welcoming anyone in need to come in and receive prayer.  You don't have to be a regular church goer in order to receive prayer, it is offered freely to everyone."

The services are at 1.00pm on the first Friday of each month.

For more information contact the Cathedral Office (4461 4922)

Picture above: The Very Rev Henry Hull (Dean of Down) and Rev Pat Mollan (Churches' Ministry of Healing) preparing for Friday's Service.