• 23 November 2007

CTBI and Radio 4 in partnership for Lent 2008

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and BBC Radio 4 have announced a Lent partnership for 2008 - "Pathways of Prayer"

Lent is an important time of preparation for Christians. The death and resurrection of Christ, celebrated during Holy Week and Easter, is the culmination of Christian faith.

Reflecting the season, BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship (0810-0850) and Daily Service (0945-1000 BBC R4 LW) will take up themes of Pathways of Prayer with a study guide and complementary materials on both the CTBI and BBC websites.

Recent research from Tearfund suggests that around twenty million people pray in the UK. Pathways of Prayer aims to provide opportunities for anyone to explore Christian spirituality and to deepen his or her prayer life. It will provide a rich and useful resource to individuals and groups.

BBC Local Radio stations will be offering parallel features about prayer that will be tied in to local initiatives and events.

Resource materials for individuals and groups will be downloadable from the CTBI and BBC websites (http://www.ctbi.org..uk/ - www.bbc.co.uk/religion) which will offer pointers to enable further exploration of the theme for each week. It is hoped that church and other groups will download these and use them during Lent. The materials will be accessible for anyone who is interested in spirituality and prayer.

Each week the Radio 4 Sunday Worship preacher will focus on a particular 'Pathway of Prayer'. These will be:

The Path of Holiness

The Path of Social Justice

The Devotional Path

The Sacramental Path

The Contemplative Path

The Charismatic Path

The preachers will include Commissioner Betty Matear (Moderator of the Free Churches), The Revd Canon Bob Fyffe (General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland), The Rt Revd Carl Cooper (Bishop of St Davids), Nick Buxton, an Ordinand specialising in spirituality from the BBC TV programme The Monastery, and Bishop Joe Aldred (Secretary for Minority Ethnic Christian Affairs, Churches Together in England)

For further information or for queries please contact CTBI at: 020 7654 7254; http://wwwgensec@ctbi.org.uk.