• 23 November 2007

Methodist Anglican Consultation

A consultation was held at the beginning of November in Wesley's Chapel London, with the task of getting worldwide Anglican/ Methodist International Conversations back on track.

The co-chairs were Professor Robert Gribben, from Melbourne, of the Uniting Church of Australia, and Bishop Harold Miller.

A group of twelve were gathered by the Anglican Communion Office and the World Methodist Council. Formal Anglican/Methodist Conversations have not taken place since the last Lambeth Conference, and the Church of Ireland Covenant Council was very concerned that they should be pout back in place again, not least in the light of the Covenant here in Ireland and also the Covenant which followed between the Church of England and the Methodist Church in Britain. A way forward will now be recommended to both world communions.

During the time together it was a joy to share in an Anniversary Service in Wesley's Chapel, in which we were treated to a fascinating lecture on the Music of Charles Wesley's hymns, with much audience parti