Maurice Elliott appointed as Director of new Theological Institute

Maurice Elliott, Rector of Shankill Parish Lurgan, has been appointed as the Director of the new Theological Institute, which will be responsible for training the future clergy of the Church of Ireland. Maurice has been rector of Shankill, which is probably the largest parish in the entire Church of Ireland, since 2002. During his time in Lurgan, the new Jethro Centre was completed, and the parish as a whole has gone from strength to strength.
The Theological Institute will deliver a new programme of ministry formation for the Church of Ireland, which will begin with a Foundation Course starting in a few months. Eventually, two ‘strands' of training will be available for ordinands, one which will be delivered on a largely residential model, and the other which will be delivered largely by extension. It is also hoped that the new Institute will eventually provide programmes of training for other forms of ministry in the church.
Bishop Harold Miller commented: ‘I cannot say how much the people of Shankill will miss Maurice. He has been both a greatly loved and highly effective rector of the parish. We are honoured that he has been appointed to this vital new task in the Church of Ireland. Maurice certainly possesses the necessary skills and experience for the job. He has been in parochial ministry for almost fifteen years - a vital basis for training others; he has a doctorate on Cranmer's understanding of episcopacy, and is well qualified academically; and he is able to both transition to new situations, and cope with the demands of complex organization. No one could be better equipped. Maurice's ability was recognized in the wider church earlier this year, when he was appointed as only one of two Church of Ireland representatives on the worldwide Anglican Communion Council. He is careful in his thinking, and wise in his judgments.
Speaking following his appointment was announced, Maurice said: "It is a singular honour to have been appointed by the Bishops to this new post of Director in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.
The recently published Ministry Formation Plan has created an exciting new context for training at every level of church life. My hopes for the new process are that, under God, it might usher in a new era of growth across all our parishes; that there might be a deeper commitment by Church of Ireland people of all ages to worshipping and serving Christ together; and that more (especially younger) men and women might be enticed by the challenge and the privilege of leadership within ordained ministry.
I genuinely believe that God has called me to this role. I therefore look forward to doing my very best in seeking to serve the whole community of the Church of Ireland, and to working along with the Bishops, the Board of Management and many others in delivering on the potential of this God-given opportunity.
On behalf of my wife and family, I know that we would greatly appreciate the prayers, the support and the goodwill of everybody concerned."