• 21 December 2007

'A pilgrim people'

The Church of Ireland Hard Gospel is running a special conference entitled 'A pilgrim people' on Friday 18th to Saturday 19th January 2008.  The venue for the two day conference is the Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, Co Dublin (near Dublin Airport).

The organiser of the conference, Philip McKinley, who is the Dublin based Hard Gospel Project Worker, said that the event was being planned to encourage the Church of Ireland to contirbute positively to issues of migration, integration and community cohesion.

The Most Revd Dr John Neill. Archbishop of Dublin, will give the opening keynote address on Friday evening and Mr Conor Lenihan TD will be one of the speakers on the second day of the conference.  The Hard Gospel will also be taking the opportunity to laurnch an 'Embracing Diversity' booklet, and will announce the winner of the HG hymn writing competition.  Music will be provided by the Discovery Gospel Choir.

Click here to download a copy of the information/application form.