• 20 December 2007

Ryan ties the knot!

Belvoir church in Belfast was the setting for the recent marriage between Ryan Mitchell and Christina Preston.  Ryan, of R T Networks, designed both the Down & Dromore website and, more recently, the newly revamped main Church of Ireland website. Christina is a nurse working in the Belfast area.

The bride and groom are both active members of Wells which is a fresh expression church which evolved in June 2003 when 30 people left Belvoir Parish to make a new church plant.  Wells now has in excess of 70 people who experiment with different types of worship using a variety of venues.

After the ceremony the newly-weds entertained their guests at Lissanoure Castle, Loughguile in Co Antrim before leaving to honeymoon in the Far East.

In his haste to reach the church on time Ryan forgot to change his shoes!!

(Photograph by Ronnie Wilson)