• 08 January 2008

Bishops' Appeal Launches Lenten AIDS Campaign

"The Body of Christ has AIDS" - the  2008 Bishops' Appeal Lenten campaign - was launched at services in Armagh and Dublin on Epiphany Sunday, 6th January 2008.

In Armagh the Appeal was launched at St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh by Dean Patrick Rooke and Mrs Alison Rooke, who serves on the Bishops' Appeal Committee.  Speaking at the launch were Deborah Doherty, Church and Community Manager Christian Aid Ireland and Tim Magowan, Regional Manager of Tearfund in Northern Ireland. The Dublin launch took place in St George's and St Thomas' Church, off O'Connell Street, Dublin and was attended by Bishops' Appeal Members, the Revd Olive Donohoe, Ruth Handy and Education Advisor, Martin O'Connor. The Rector of St George's and St Thomas', the Revd Canon Katharine Poulton was also present.

Parishes will be invited to raise funds for this special Appeal, which will specifically benefit projects working with people living with HIV and AIDS. The campaign is a joint initiative between Bishops' Appeal, Christian Aid and Tearfund.

At the service in Armagh, Mr Tim Magowan (Tearfund) made specific reference to the impact of  civil war and sexual violence in  Liberia in recent years. "Sexual violence during the recent civil war was often used against women and children thus heightening the HIV infection rate. Living in temporary camps or in extreme poverty women are often unable to access the drugs that they need to stop them passing the virus onto their unborn children.  HIV causes the immune system to fail and makes working and farming difficult, leading families into even deeper levels of poverty.

"This appeal will help Tearfund to tackle the spread of HIV and AIDS in communities which are rebuilding after the civil war, by building the capacity of local churches to respond, targeting high risk groups and by raising awareness of stigma about HIV and AIDS through youth programmes and activities within the wider community'.

As part of the campaign, a pack including a CD, posters and teaching materials will be sent to every Church of Ireland parish in the country. These resources include prayer and worship suggestions. A special stand (as shown in launch photograph), may be borrowed by contacting Mrs Alison Rooke.

This Appeal is a both a practical and prayerful response to one of the greatest challenges facing our world today and it is hoped that it will receive widespread support throughout the Church of Ireland.

Photograph: Pictured left to right are: Mr Tim Magowan, Regional Manager of Tearfund in Northern Ireland, Mrs Alison Rooke, Bishops Appeal, Ms Deborah Doherty, Church and Community Manager Christian Aid Ireland and Dean of Armagh, the Very Revd Patrick Rooke.