• 23 January 2008

Holywood Reconciliation Group's first event in 2008

The Sanctus Boscus Reconciliation Group will begin this year's programme with a Taizé Service in St Colmcille's church, My Lady's Mile, Holywood on Sunday 27 January at 8 p.m.  A similar service was held last year and was warmly received by those who attended, and it is hoped that many will return to share this hour of reflection, meditation and prayer with members of the other churches in the town and beyond.  St Colmcille's Folk Group will lead the worship.

It was in 2002, in advance of the year designated by the Reconciliation strand of the Think Again diocesan project, when interested members of St Philip & St James Parish Holywood formed this group.  Since then, people from the various churches in the town continue to meet and work together organising events in the community and attending courses under the auspices of the Belmont Council of Churches and the Irish School of Ecumenics.  As well as the Taizé service, plans are underway for an evening of  ‘Any Questions' with the clergy of Holywood.